Creative Writing

Creative writing is an empowering tool that children enjoy immensely as they get immersed in giving words to their imagination, what matters to them, what affects them and what inspires them. Writing and storytelling helps students in all fields and endeavours.

In our classes creative thinking, critical analysis and exposure to different styles of storytelling invigorates the children to innovate and share their stories on a regular basis, absorbing feedback constructively, improving their language skills and presentation as well. The program is unique as we bring together divergent techniques to keep the experimental and creative quotient high while also organising written material and understanding effective communication and connections within story and with readers or audience.Our peer feedback and in class exercises as well as individual projects under mentorship of professional writers help students develop their own voice and style as well as the discipline and confidence to integrate writing in their life!

Level 1

  • Story creation
  • Characters
  • Settings
  • Theme
  • Genres and Formats
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Level 2

  • Thematic writing
  • Poetry
  • Personal Experience Writing
  • Grammar and Vocabulary Building
  • Public Speaking and debating Ideas
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Level 3

  • Long form Writing - Process of Editing and rewriting
  • Scenework
  • Writing for Media- Different forms and genres of writing Authoring Books , Scripts, Articles
  • International Theatre Techniques
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